31 August 2011

EEEK! Wrong Email Address!!

I just got a call from the second person who said she's tried to email me and I haven't gotten back to her. What?! I promise I'm not that flaky!! I took a look and realized that my email address was wrong on the website!!! The correct email address is:

If you know anyone who has tried contacting me to no avail, please pass this memo along! ; )

Oh, and feel free to email or call. This time I promise I will get back to you!

17 August 2011

¡Al Cole! School Starts September 12th!!

What FUN we had this summer!!!
We spent a lot of time playing inside, playing outside, playing in the water table and the sand table, and then making big huge mud pies. We created, we painted, we made gigantic, monster bubbles, and we sang songs. We danced and wiggled and jiggled and could hardly sit still. Oh yes, we had some good times together. I´m so happy I had the chance to meet these wonderful kiddos! So lovely!! Such enthusiasm! Such sweet hearts.

And now, it´s ready to get going!! School starts September 12th!! WAHOO! My in-laws are here at the moment, helping us with some pretty big projects including a new sand box!!  I'm busy planning and playing and working on the parent handbook (admittedly not nearly as fun as playing in the sandbox will be, but someone's got to do it!)

If you are planning on sending your child to El Gato con Botas, please make sure to contact me ASAP to request a registration form and to let me know which days of the week you would like your child to come, so I can get the schedule all worked out. We still have some space left, so let me know soon! We'd love to have you!
As always, please contact me if you have any questions at all! I am always down for a good chat! Sarah: 473-0445.

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

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